Part Name: Power Gear Slide Out Motor
Manufacturing Part Number: K01469-B300, K01469B300 K01439E300, 138449 130-1235, 130-1204c, K01531A300, K01265E300, K01265F300, K01285F300, 1510000006, 130-1164, 130-1187, 13-1109, 130-1219, 520819, 522967, 523529, 521976, 13-1133, 13-1119, 523900, 523013, 523529, 524094, 524327, 524411, 523931, 524246, 520819, 522967, 523823 1010000010, 523983, 522176 (check specs) 386322 (verify bolt pattern) 521292, 521748, 523046, 523387, 368417, 522756, 524361, 523387, 524667 .
Replaces Part Number:523143, 386480, 368185, 523982, 523143S (has the smaller motor but same ratings), 523766, K01265D300 (Gear ratio lower), K01265B300, Lippert 383745. (may have to reuse, splice on, old connector from old unit) 523091, replaced by Lippert 383744 check bolt pattern on old unit to verify.
Mount bolt face mount 3.38 '' x 3.38'' centers
Dual shafts 3/4'' diam . x 1 – 1/4'' 1/4'' cross hole ( keyway)
Size 9 – 1/4'' x 3 – 7/8 '' x 6 – 1/4''